MCQs on Microcontrollers Part-8

Microprocessor and Microcontrollers MCQ
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers

1. The number of control and status signals in 8085 microprocessor are respectively______.

a. 2 and 4 

b. 2 each

c. 3 and 2

d. 2 and 3

2. If the status lines S₁ and S₀ is High, then 8085 microprocessor is performing:

a. Opcode fetch operation

b. HOLD operation

c. Half operation

d. None of the above

3. Which of the following option is not correct about the various flags in 8085 microprocessor?

a. The carry flag is set if the ALU operation result generates a carry

b. The parity flag is set if the result has odd parity

c. The zero-flag is set if the ALU operation result is zero

d. The sign-flag is set to zero, if the most significant bit of the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero

4. Pesudo-instructions are basically______.

a. Instructions that are treated like comments

b. False instructions

c. Instructions that are ignored by the microprocessor

d. Assembler directives

5. Which microprocessor pins are used to request and acknowledge a DMA transfer?

a. reset and ready

b. HOLD and HLDA

c. reset and ready

d. ready and wait

6. The first modern computer was called____.





7. NMI input is_______.

a. Edge sensitive

b. Level sensitive

c. Neither edge nor level sensitive

d. Both edge and level sensitive

8. What is the direction of control bus?

a. Unidirectional into μP

b. Bidirectional 

c. Unidirectional out of  μP

d. Mixed direction i.e. some line into μP and some others out of μP

9. Every processor must necessarily have_____.

a. Control bus

b. Data bus and address bus

c. Data bus

d. Address bus, data bus and control bus 

10. The number of address lines required to address 8 K bytes of memory is_____.

a. 15

b. 16

c. 13

d. 14

11. The number of memory chips of size 1 K x 4-biits required to build a memory bank of size 16 K x 8 bits is_______.

a. 8

b. 32

c. 64

d. 16

12. The I/O devices in 8085 microprocessor can be used in :_____.

a. Memory mapped I/O only

b. I/O mapped I/O only

c. Memory mapped I/O or I/O mapped I/O

d. None of the above

13. The maximum number of memory and I/O devices that can be addressed in a 8085 microprocessor based system is_____.

a. Infinite

b. 2⁸

c. 2¹⁶

d. 2⁸ + 2¹⁶

14. The capacity of a memory chip is 8192 bits, and it has 2048 rows. Then the organization of the chip is_____.

a. bit organized

b. nibble organized

c. byte organized

d. word organized

15. The size of the memory, a microprocessor can access is determined by the number of_____lines the microprocessor.

a. Address

b. Status

c. Control

d. Data

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