High voltage direct current (HVDC) and High voltage engineering(HVE) MCQs Part-4


1. For voltage measurements, the gap which gives the highest accuracy is__________.

a. Sphere gaps

b. Field gaps

c. Rod gaps

d. None of these Answer


2. In large impulse generators, the spark gaps are generally________.

a. Sphere gaps

b. Hemispherical gaps

c. Square gaps

d. Either (a) or (b) Answer


3. Field in case of rod gaps and sphere gaps are________.

a. Uniform, uniform

b. Uniform, non-uniform

c. Non-uniform, uniform

d. Non-uniform, non-uniform


4. ____________ is widely employed for measuring HV voltages.

a. Field gap

b. Sphere gap

c. Rod gap

d. All of these


5. Sphere gaps can measure______.

a. Peak value of d.c

b. Peak value of a.c

c. Both of these

d. None of these


6. Large size sphere gaps are installed in_____.

a. Horizontal configuration

b. Vertical configuration

c. Any of these

d. None of these


7. The worst gap for measuring the voltages is________.

a. Field gap

b. Sphere gap

c. Rod gap

d. All of these


8. The most recommended gap under usual conditions for measuring the voltages is__________.

a. Field gap

b. Sphere gap

c. Rod gap

d. All of these


9. Factors affecting on Measurement of High Voltage and High Current_________.

a. Humidity

b. Temperature

c. Pressure

d. All of Above


10. Electrostatic voltmeter can measure_________.

a. DC voltmeter

b. AC voltmeter

c. Both a and b

d. None


11. Peak Reading AC voltmeter need to measure_____.

a. Peak value of AC wave

b. To obtain maximum dielectric strength of solid insulating material

c. when waveform is not sinusoidal

d. All of above


12. High AC voltage measurement using method_________.

a. Electrostatic

b. Potential Divider

c. Sphere Gap

d. All of above


13. Reason for high current generation in electrical circuit________.

a. Short circuit

b. Lightning discharge

c. Switching Transient

d. All of above


14. HVDC transmission commercially began in the year______.

a. 1950

b. 1954

c. 1970

d. 1935


15.  The initial HVDC valves are______.


b. Thyristors

c. Mercury arc rectifiers

d. None of the above


16. Thyristor valves are to come into operation in the year_______.

a. 1950

b. 1954

c. 1972

d. 2000


17. System using IGBT valves came into operation in________.

a. 1972

b. 1954

c. 1993

d. 2000


18. HVDC systems are mainly used with large power rating for____.

a. interconnection of two systems with different frequencies

b. bulk power transmission over long distances

c. underwater or submarine cable transmission

d. for connecting nonconventional power sources like wind power etc. to the grid


19. A quadruple valve consists of______.

a. four units in series for 12 pulse operation

b. four units connected for operation as a bridge rectifier

c. two double valves

d. twelve valves for 3-phase connection


20. A DC cable used for HVDC transmission is________.

a. mass impregnated oil-filled cable

b. dry caused poly metric insulated cable with metallic screen & outer covering

c. oil or liquid impregnated paper cable

d. any one of the above

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