Basic Electrical MCQs Part-4

Basic Electrical MCQ
Basic Electrical 

1. The energy required to move 120 C charge through 3 V is______.

a. 2.78 mJ

b. 360 J

c. 25 mJ

d. 540 J


2. For a given voltage, four heating coils will produce maximum heat, when connected______.

a. All in parallel

b. All in series

c. With two parallel in series

d. One pair in parallel with the other two in series


3. The unit of reactive power is______.

a. Volt ampere

b. Var

c. Kilo-Watt

d. Watt


4. The unit of electrical energy is_____.

a. Joule

b. Kilo-watt-hour

c. Kilo-Watt

d. Watt


5. A current of 3 A flows through a resistor of 20 ohms. The energy dissipated in the resistor per minute is_______.

a. 3.6 W

b. 180 W

c. 1.8 W

d. 0.18 W


6. A long uniform coil of a inductance L henries and associated resistance R ohms is physically cut into two exact halves which are then rewound in parallel. The resistance and inductance of the combination are____.

a. R and L

b. R/2 and L/2

c. R/4 and L/4 

d. 2R and 2L


7. If v, w, q stand for voltage, energy and charge, then v can be expressed as:_____.

a. v= (dq/dw)

b. dv=(dw/dq)

c. v=(dw/dq)

d. dv=(dq/dw)


8. A circuit possesses resistance R and inductive reactance XL in series, Its susceptance is given_____.

a. R/Z

b. XL/Z

c. R/Z2

d. XL/Z2


9. If V=a+jb and I=c+jd, then the power is given by_______.

a. ac+ad

b. bc-bd

c. ac+bd

d. bc+ad


10. The minimum requirements for causing flow of current are______.

a. A power source and a bulb

b. A voltage source and a conductor

c. A voltage source, a conductor, an ammeter and a switch

d. A voltage source, a resistor and a switch


11. Ohm’s law is applicable to_____.

a. carbon resistor

b. Semiconductors

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. Neither (a) nor (b)


12. For a fixed supply voltage, the current flowing through a conductor will increase when its______.

a. Length is increased and area of cross-section

b. Length is increased

c. Length is reduced

d. Area of cross-section is required


13. Two resistors R1 and R2 give combined resistance of 4.5 Ω when in series and 1Ω when in parallel. The resistances are_______.

a. 1 Ω and 3.5 Ω

b. 4 Ω and 0.5 Ω

c. 2 Ω and 2.5 Ω

d. 1.5 Ω and 3 Ω


14. Which of the following is not equivalent to watts?

a. Amperes x volts

b. Joules per second

c. Amperes / volts

d. (Amperes)2 x ohm


15. Assertion(A) : The direction of flow of conventional current is taken to that of electrons.

Reason(R) : Electrons have negative charge.

a. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

c. A is true but R is false

d. A is false but R is true

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