MCQs on Registers

Digital Electronics MCQs
Digital Electronics MCQs

1. Data can be changed from spacial code to temporal code and vice-versa by using_____.

a. Combinational circuits

b. A/D counters

c. Shift registers

d. Counters

2. Shifting a register content to left by one bit position is equivalent to______.

a. Addition by two

b. Multiplication by two

c. Subtraction by two

d. Division by two

3. The content of a 4-bit register is initially 1101. The register is shifted 2 times to the right, with the serial input being 1011101. The content of the register after each shift operations are respectively

a. 1101 and 1011

b. 0001 and 1000

c. 1001 and 1001

d. 1110 and 0111

4. How long will it take to shift and 8-bit number into and 8-bit serial -in parallel-out shift register if the clock is set at 10 MHz?

a. 700 ns

b. 0 ns

c. 800 ns

d. 100 ns

5. The flip flop used in shift registers are generally______.

a. T flip-flop

b. D flip flop

c. J-K flip-flop

d. S-R flip-flop

6. Data can be changed from spacial code to temporal code spacial by using_____.

a. Timers

b. SIPO shift resisters

c. PISO shift resistors

d. ADCs and DACs 

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