Measurement MCQs Part-5

measurement mcqs
Measurement MCQs

1. In present day measurement systems_______.

a. Direct methods are commonly used

b. Use of direct methods is limited, but indirect methods are commonly used

c. Both direct and indirect methods are commonly used

d. None of the above 

2. Which of the following is not a unit of distance?

a. Meter

b. Feet

c. Kilogram

d. Kilometer

3. Which one of the following is a standard unit of measurement of distance?

a. Hand span

b. Meter

c. Arm length

d. Pace

4. 4 meter is equal to______.

a. 4000cm

b. 400cm

c. 40mm

d. 400mm

5. The use of electronic instruments becoming more extensive because they have_____.

a. The capability to respond to signals from remote places

b. A fast response and compatibility with digital computers

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. A high sensitivity but less reliability

6. Dynamic response consists of ________.

a. Two parts, one steady state and the other Transient state response

b. Only transient state response

c. Only steady state response

d. Steady state and transient frequency response

7. The most stable primary atomic standards for frequency is_______.

a. Caesium beam standard

b. Hydrogen maser standard

c. Quartz standard

d. Rubidium vapour standard

8. Improper setting of range of multimeter leads to an error called______.

a. Random error 

b. Limiting error

c. Instrumental error

d. Observational error

9. The difference between the expected value of the variable and the measured value is termed as_______.

a. Absolute error

b. Random error

c. Instrumental error

d. Gross error

10. Errors that occur even when all the gross and systematic errors are taken care of are called_______.

a. Environmental error

b. Instrumental error

c. Limiting error

d. Random error

11. Limiting errors are______.

a. Manufacturer's specifications of accuracy

b. Manufacturer's specifications of instrumental error

c. Environmental errors

d. Random errors

12. A random noise generator produces a signal_______.

a. Whose amplitude varies randomly

b. Which has no periodic frequency

c. has an unpredictable power spectrum

d. None of the above

13. Which of the following have the highest accuracy?

a. Standard resistance

b. Standard inductance

c. Standard capacitance

d. Standard mutual inductance

14. In a.c. circuits, the connection of measuring instruments causes loading errors which may effect _______.

a. Only the magnitude of the quantity being measured

b. Only the phase of the quantity measured

c. Both the magnitude and phase of the quantity being measured

d. Magnitude, phase and also the waveform of the quantity being measured

15. In order to reduce skin effect in resistance standards when they are used on high frequency a.c._________.

a. Adjacent turns of the resistance coil should carry current in the opposite direction

b. They should be provided with four terminals

c. the diameter of the resistance wire should be small

d. None of the above

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