Basic Electronics MCQ Part-5

Basic electronics mcq
Basic Electronics

1. In active filter, what type of filter passes a range of frequency and a certain higher frequency?

a. Band-stop

b. High pass

c. Low pass

d. Band-pass

2. The specific gravity of a lead-acid battery is a measure of its_____.

a. battery life

b. operating temperature

c. state of charge

d. rate of discharge

3. What does the base or radix of a number system tell you about the system?

a. Number of units used in the system

b. Number of items used in the system

c. Number of symbols used in the system

d. Number of numerals used in the system

4. Boolean algebra is based on the assumption that most quantities have_____ possible states.

a. Four 

b. Two

c. Three

d. Single

5. What is the magnetic equivalent to electrical voltage?

a. Flux

b. Reluctance

c. magnetomotive force

d. magnetic field

6. An instrument used to record the electric potentials associated with the electrical currents that traverse the heart.

a. Electrograph

b. Electrolysis

c. Electroencephlograph

d. Electrocardiograph

7.  Who discovered the relationship between magnetism and electricity that serves as the foundation for the theory of electromagnetism?

a. Luigi Galvani

b. Hans Christian Oersted

c. Andre ampere

d. Charles coulomb

8. Who demonstrated the theory of electromagnetic induction in 1831?

a. Michael Faraday

b. Andre ampere

c. Hans Christian Oersted

d. Robert Kirchhoff

9. A substance that attracts pieces of iron.

a. Conductor

b. Semiconductor

c. Magnet

d. All of the above

10. Which of the following is a natural magnet?

a. Steel

b. Magnesia

c. Lodestone

d. Soft iron

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