Project Management MCQ Part-4

Project Management MCQ
Project Management

1. From among the following activities, which is the best example of a project?

a. Processing insurance claims

b. Producing automobiles

c. Writing a term paper

d. Completing a college degree

e. All of these are good examples of projects

2. Which of the following constraints is not typically found in managing projects?

a. Time

b. People

c. Cost

d. Performance

e. Both b and d are not typical constraints

3. Which of the following choices is not one of the stages of a project life cycle?

a. Conceptualizing

b. Defining

c. Planning

d. Executing

e. Delivering

4. In which of the following stages are project objectives established, teams formed, and major responsibilities assigned?

a. Conceptualizing

b. Defining

c. Planning

d. Executing

e. Delivering

5. In which of the following stages is a major portion of the physical and mental project work performed?

a. Conceptualizing

b. Defining

c. Planning

d. Executing

e. Delivering

6. In which of the following stages are you more likely to find status reports, many changes, and the creation of forecasts?

a. Conceptualizing

b. Defining

c. Planning

d. Executing

e. Delivering

7. Which of the following characteristics is not typical of a project manager?

a. Managing a temporary activity

b. Possesses in-depth technical knowledge

c. Managing a non-repetitive activity

d. Manages independently of the formal organization

e. Provides a direct link to the customer

8. Which of the following choices is not one of the driving forces behind the increasing demand for project management?

a. Compression of the product life cycle

b. Knowledge explosion

c. Development of third world and closed economies

d. More emphasis on the product and less on the customer

e. Corporate downsizing

9. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Project management is becoming a standard way of doing business

b. Project management is increasingly contributing to achieving organizational strategies

c. Project management is being used at a consistent percentage of a firm's efforts

d. Both a and b are true

e. a, b, and c are all true

10. Project management is ideally suited for a business environment requiring all of the following except________.

a. Accountability

b. Flexibility

c. Innovation

d. Speed

e. Repeatability

11. Which of the following is the number one characteristic that is looked for in management candidates?

a. Overall intelligence

b. Works well with others

c. Experience

d. Past successes

e. Good references

12. A common rule of thumb in the world of high-tech product development is that a six-month project delay can result in a loss of product revenue share of ______ percent. The waste on failed projects and cost overruns is estimated in the neighborhood of

a. 10

b. 20

c. 33

d. 45

e. 50

13. The waste on failed projects and cost overruns is estimated in the neighborhood of_______.

a. Under $100 Million

b. Over $150 Billion

c. Under $10 Billion

d. Between $90-$100 Billion

e. Between $125-$135 Billion

14. Which of the following is the first step in developing a set of strategies designed to best meet the needs of customers?

a. Market Research

b. Define the Integrated Project Management System

c. Environmental Analysis

d. Project Selection

e. All of the above are correct

15. Integration of project management with the organization takes place with the______.

a. Master budget

b. Strategy plan

c. Process of managing actual projects

d. Both b and c are correct

e. a, b, and c are all correct

16. Two dimensions within the project management process are______.

a. Technical and sociocultural

b. Cost and time

c. Planned and unexpected

d. Established and new

e. Unique and reoccurring

17. Which of these is not part of the "technical dimension" of project management?

a. WBS

b. Budgets

c. Problem-solving

d. Schedules

e. Status reports

18. Which of these is not part of the "sociocultural dimension" of project management?

a. Negotiation

b. Resource allocation

c. Customer expectations

d. Leadership

e. Politics

19. Corporate downsizing has increased the trend toward________.

a. Reducing the number of projects a company initiates

b. Outsourcing significant segments of project work

c. Using dedicated project teams

d. Shorter project lead times

e. Longer project lead times

20. The importance of project management has increased due to_______.

a. The movement of manufacturing operations out of the U.S.

b. Time to market

c. The movement toward flatter and leaner organizations

d. Both a and b are true

e. a, b, and c are all true

21. Which of the following is not typically the responsibility of a project manger?

a. Meeting budget requirements

b. Meeting schedule requirements

c. Meeting performance specifications

d. Coordinates the actions of the team members

e. All of these are typical responsibilities

22. A series of coordinated, related, multiple projects that continue over extended time intended to achieve a goal is known as a________.

a. Strategy

b. Program

c. Campaign

d. Crusade

e. Venture

23. In which of the following stages is it determined what the project will entail, when it will be scheduled, whom it will benefit, and what the budget will be?

a. Conceptualizing

b. Defining

c. Planning

d. Executing

e. Delivering

24. Competing in a global market is influenced by_______.

a. Rapid change

b. Innovation

c. Time to market

d. Politics

e. a, b, and c are all true

25. Integration of all project processes and practices to improve Project Management is due to_______.

a. Centralization

b. Environmental analysis

c. Customer Expectations

d. Project management system

e. The organization's environment and culture

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